I was expecting a package today but not a BIG surprise package!! It was heavy and before I saw who it was from I thought I ordered some books..again. But then I saw the name Sasha on the return addy and thought what has she done this time???
I had help opening my goody box, Zoey kept saying ,”my presents”…
On the top of everything was this paper
(long story lol but she knows !!!)
sorry about the gloomy colors. I need a new camera!!
I can not remember which I (Zoey) opened first so these are not in order…
Each had a tag for instructions…
Sewing therapy…
Bath therapy….(Sasha made these soaps!! They smell so good too! Zoey said mmm cookies when she saw them lol ooops)
Organizational therapy…(She also made this.. she has a free tutorial for it HERE )She had asked me a while back if I wanted it as she wanted to make her a new one.. I was like.. hmmmm…..yes please!!!
*photo used from Sasha with permission
-------its getting better!!!-------
Emergency Stress Relief (the small bar)…*keep in your purse at all times! Eat one piece every 5-10 minutes until you feel better!
And…Severe Stress Relief (the mega bars!)…*take as needed until you smile so much it hurts!
I got a confession to make…. There were two smaller bars in the package….(whistling….
) I had help….
But OMG…. what a total surprise!!!!! I totally LOVE dark chocolate!!! How did she know that???? I want to tell Sasha THANK YOU SO MUCH and you are the greatest person evaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! AND just opening all this up made me smile plenty!! Now.. this is one friend I think I will keep around! 
Thank you soooooooooo much Sasha!! I can't express that enough... My stress level is on the low down now….
Oh I did sew something but will save that for another time…
Here is Zoey opening "her presents"
She thought the wall hanging organizer was a blanket... omg her hair...
My son is sitting in the background , I think he was excited about the package too lol
hehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy you loved your package and little Zoey loved "her presents" too LOL!!!!!!!! Now you have all kinds of "therapy" for the crazy days =D
What a super amazing exciting surprise!! Sasha is such a thoughtful person!!!! Zoey is such a cutie and I just imagine how much fun you all had opening your presents!!