I totally LOVE when I get great feedback from my customers.. This gentleman wanted a certain size and layout for his cards, cash and pen and moleskin notebook, I showed you on last post my photos.. but he sent me some photos with his goodies tucked inside. I love it = )
I can't wait until I get new labels.. maybe I should of hidden this label inside?? He didn't say nothing about it but I try to hide the label if its for a man's order.. I didn't think about it this time.. lol
I checked on my tracking for my newest Filofax that was held back from shipping because of Superstorm Sandy..
Its on the truck for delivery today!!! yay!!!
I also been sewing gifts for the holidays, I'll be showing some sneeky peeks later in the weeky.. lol
Awesome Suzee!!!!!! Awesome job =D You can really tell he loves it =D Look how perfectly all of his things fit!!!!!