I got a few more things finished up this past few days.. yay!
First up is a
Idea Pouch by Michellepatterns. This is going to be for Zoey if you can see the name.. My ink didn't show up very well so will have to try to restamp it.
This was pretty easy to put together. Its padded with fusible fleece. It can be used for a ipad or a couple of notebooks.
I had this farm fabric for awhile ( I'm bad about fabric names!) and love the bugged out eyes on the animals!! I wanted the back of the fabric to show the the print right side up and when the flap came over it had them upside down, so I added the name tag to sort of hide that. Zoey won't mind = ) She loves her markers and paper just like her Gramma !!
I also used some fabric my friend Jane sent me for the lining.
This pouch has two inside pockets. It will hold two composition notebooks or a ipad. There is another outside pocket for pencils and pens, markers, ect.. cute!?
I might be making some for my Etsy shop.. but not too soon.
This next thing is my second attempt .. and let me tell you this is 100% better then the first one! YUCK I won't even post it ...
I hate using my good fabric's when testing out a pattern that I have no idea how it will turn out..
but took a chance here.
I have a smaller touch phone. It is also a slide phone. It has teeny keys on the key board but that is how I like it.. I can NOT use the slider phones that is horizontal, I have short stubby thumbs and it just doesn't go well for me. This one I can use one hand ( one thumb) to text = )
Of course I do not text and drive (illegal in Indiana) but like to see my phone visible in case I get a call and I want to see who it is first (to ignore if I want) .
I used a thin clear vinyl I picked up at Joann's as a remnant. I made the clear pocket with a velcro closure.
The inside has a smaller card pocket on the side and enough for change and monies.
I made a matching strap. I like them wide to fit my wrist and know it is there.
I almost messed up and forgot to consider the thickness of my phone. It has a nice hot PINK cover on it.. and makes it abit thicker but it worked out good here. Snug and won't slide around. I even tested it and I can slide my open window on it.(not slide it open the connect slide button.. oh if you have a iphone you know what I mean! as it is the same as my phone.)
I'm more of a person to carry a purse but I wanted to have something smaller to take with me for a quick run to town or when I go shoot.
I had to bring that up as the last time I went to shoot I hurt my wrist..again.. so I'm wearing a ACE support brace on my left wrist.. sigh. I just need to stay away from the long guns.. too heavy for me = (
OK next!!!!!!!
Still with me???
I haven't shown Baby my furry friend for some time.. since this blog was named in honor of her I need to talk more of her! Or change the name Zoey Threads lol
I made a little vest for her! hmmm I didn't get a good close up of the print but it has little doggies and dog related stuff written on it..
She likes it = ) It is lined with soft flannel to keep her warm. I could never figure out dog clothes.. here is why.. lol They have fur! When we make them clothes we cover up the FUR! Their little bellies are exposed along with their butt and little feet..so what is the point?? Because they look soooo cute!!!!!!
I have bought her booties but she did not like them and she kept flipping them off.
I do not dress Baby in bows and ruffles , she is a tom boy doggie, like I was as a young girl. We live in the country so she has nothing on Paris's doggies.. but you have to admit they are so cute and sweet! Look at those face's!!! (not including Paris) oops did I type that out loud? 
Ok if you hung in there with me this far I wanted to say I'm excited to get a new blog layout!
Kim over on
733design will be working on my new layout last part of October!! I filled out a form and let her know what I liked, disliked and wanted, and she will take it from there.. I can't wait to see what she comes up with!! She did
Sasha's blog and did a hit on the bull's eye job! Kim designed my little Applehead logo for my tags I make, so I'm hoping she will include that in my page as well.
Have a good week!